Solving Flutter Compilation Problem Errors

  1. Problem: Target of URI doesn’t exist: ‘package:flutter/material.dart’.

Solution: Typing “flutter pub get” on the terminal

2. Problem: The minCompileSdk specified in dependency’s AAR metadata is greater than this module’s compileSdkVersion

Solution: Modify the value of compileSdkVersion to be equal to the minCompileSdk in file build.gradle in android/app folder

3. Problem: Need to upgrade the Dart version

Solution: Use the following commands

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade

4. Problem: Insufficient storage on a virtual device using Genymotion

Solution: Click at the three dots on the last column of the device and click menu “Factory reset”



Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew

A teacher who believes in learning by doing and continuing to learn new technology to help her students get a job in a fast-changing technology field